Public evening talk (March 18, 19:00 – 20:00): Forschung für eine Erde im Wandel – von Erdbeben, schwarzen Schwänen und planetarer Bewohnbarkeit. Onno Oncken, GFZ, Potsdam
Invited keynote speakers
- The influence of sediments on subduction dynamics. Whitney Behr, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- A fresh look at mountain-building from the Alpine perspective. Mark Handy, FU Berlin, Germany
- Fault processes and shock deformation during earthquakes. Giulio Di Toro, Padova, Italy
- Salt rock mechanics in the natural laboratory. Joyce Schmatz, Aachen, Germany
- Quantifying the interaction between surface processes and tectonics during mountain building: the Beaumont number. Sebastian Wolf, Bergen, Norway
- Fault structure and the run-up to seismic failure-some insights from lab and field tests. Georg Dresen, GFZ Potsdam, Germany
- Dynamic strength, fragmentation, and the impact cratering process. Auriol S.P. Rae, University of Cambridge, UK
List of sessions
- Mountain Building Processes & Alpine Tectonics
- Microstructures, Deformation Mechanisms & Rheology
- Experimental Rock Mechanics
- Seismo-Tectonics & Fluid-Rock Interaction
- Planetary Tectonics & Impact Cratering
- Viscous Shear, Seismic Faulting & Shock Deformation
- Applied Structural Geology
- Neo-Tectonics & Tectonic Geomorphology
- Geodynamics & Plate Tectonics
- Modelling Deformation from the Micro- to the Mega-Scale
- Metamorphism & Deformation
- General Tectonics & Regional Studies